The inspiration - Traveling through Scotland
Prior to starting the trip through Scotland I was on the brink of what felt like a burn-out, my office job in combination with lots of hours in my art business was really taking a toll on me. So this trip was perfect timing. The ruggedness and harshness of the environment taught me the beauty of resilience and strength. As I travelled through Scotland in our campervan, experiencing misty moors and the wild countryside and encountering the warm-hearted locals, I felt a sense of grounding and tranquillity. It was as though the country embraced me, encouraging a return to my roots and a deeper connection with myself. It started an inner dialogue of what is truly important to me.
The Creation process
Uncovering the titles and poems
During my travels I journaled daily, writing stories about my experiences. When coming up with titles I immersed myself in these tales and also looked up music that gives me the same feelings as the paintings and traveling through Scotland. There is a lot of thought and contemplation that has gone into these titles and poems as they needed to feel just right. Titles like "The Mountain's Embrace," "Stillness of Time," and "Anchored" invite you to forge a personal connection with the artwork, allowing your own stories to unfold within them.
"Look to the horizon and find your place there."