Woman artist with cup of favourite drink looking at work in progress abstract paintings with bold orange pink colors and deep greens and blues

Insights and Inspiration: The Transformative Power of Art

Woman artist with cup of favourite drink looking at work in progress abstract paintings with bold orange pink colors and deep greens and blues

Lately I've been pondering the question of the why behind my art or why I create art and I would love to share. Find a comfortable spot to sit and grab your favorite drink, because what I'm about to share is worth savoring

As an artist, I often find myself struggling to articulate why I create. Sure, I love playing around with colors, textures, and different mediums, but there's something deeper driving me to put paint on canvas. Only recently have I begun to explore and understand the true power of art and why it's so important to me.

For me, art is a reflection of who I am as a person, my dreams, my thoughts, and my emotions. Every piece I create is infused with a part of myself, and the process of creating becomes a cathartic experience. It's a way for me to express things that I may not be able to put into words, and it allows me to connect with myself on a deeper level.

But it's not just about me. Art has the power to connect with others in a way that words simply cannot. When we look at a piece of art, we're able to tap into our own emotions and experiences, and we're able to find something that resonates with us. It's a way for us to connect with the artist on a level beyond words and find a piece of ourselves in their work.


Hands holding a book and a cup of coffee with cinnamon

You know I love reading right?
Recently, I read a story that really solidified the healing power of art in my mind. I'll try and keep it short and condensed. It was a story from a book called "Sword of Truth," where the main character creates a carving of a woman named Spirit for his wife who is recovering from a severe injury. She (the wife) is struggling. The carving is such a powerful image of a woman as if in opposition to an invisible power trying unsuccessfully to subdue her. It is so full of emotion that the wife is deeply moved by it, and it inspires her to become better, stronger, and healthier. This story exemplifies how art can profoundly impact our emotional and mental well-being and help us heal and find strength.

I don't create art with the intention of imposing my thoughts or feelings on others, but rather to create something that evokes emotions and feelings within them. I want my art to inspire others to connect with themselves, to find their own strength and beauty, and to feel a sense of excitement and possibility.

In a world where we're constantly bombarded with negativity, pressure and chaos, art provides us with a sense of escape, a moment of reflection, and a connection to something greater than ourselves. It's a way for us to tap into our own creativity and to find beauty in the world around us.

So, why do I create?
I create because art has the power to transform us, to inspire us, and to connect us in ways that nothing else can. It's my way of expressing myself, of connecting with others, and finding beauty and hope in a world that can sometimes feel dark and uncertain.

I am curious, did my reflections inspire you to find your own connection with the transformative power of art? 

Happy exploring and have a great week,

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